Smells like Shit Tastes Like Heaven

While I have not experienced brett, wine tasters and writers
use various descriptors to explain the smell and taste of brett wine. These
range from mousey, metallic, smells like horse barnyards, band-aid, sweaty
saddles, manure-like etc.
An Asian fruit found in Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and
Thailand commonly known as the King of Fruits is as controversial as Brett. The
fruit I would like to introduce is “Durian”
(Durio Zibethinus). This fruit has a love-hate relationship with many western
tourists but to Asians it is one of the most loved and popular tropical fruits.
It is banned in many Asian airports, hotels and public transport systems.
Durian’s aroma is an overwhelming stink of dragon’s breath or the waft of an
open sewer. Yet its buttery pulp is the nectar of the gods – sweet and slimey
and other-worldly.
But I wonder whether this spiky-shelled fruit is one that
would better explain the subtlety or the boldness of Brettanomyces rather than
a whole list of metaphors and wine descriptors mentioned earlier. Although
Durian is not known in the West, you may purchase or smell one in your local
Asian grocery refrigerator. Wine Consultant and writer Randy Caparoso in his blog
has some great ideas for food that go with bretty wines, including the Durian.
If you are selling or explaining Bretty wines to Asians why
not get off your high horse and sweaty saddle and just mention Durian and it
will make sense immediately. Isn’t language in context more powerful than a
mouthful of "brettygook"?